The Story

The night of her birth:

Among a quiet forest, a mother's laboring cries rang out as her mate waited anxiously by her side. Excitement rose in the male as the child began to crown, revealing a white furred being. Once born fully, the father scooped up the small cub and deposited the crying female infant into the mother's arms. Both parents were excited for the young one's life, very much happy to have the babe finally there with them. The posed problem however was within a few hours later the white cub had reverted to her human form and wouldn't change back. Three months down the line, the same problem occurred time and time again with absolutely no explanation.

Upon consulting the Alpha about such an issue, he made a decision that it might be better to let the pup go instead of hanging onto loose ties or weak links. If the child was already having issues, it would only bring the downfall of their pack. For if a human child were found wandering the woods by a passerby or of the sort, her life would surely be in danger. And the white furred coat posed camouflage problems in the green mountainous area in which they thrived. The white fur coat would also bring trophy hunters into the territory and fighting humans did not bode well to the Alpha. Remaining hidden and in secret was a must, a law enforced by the High Council to allow numbers to build after centuries of torture and the like. From here, it was noted that his medical attendant would take her far off and away to train her to survive as a human in the cities below. His request was answered when the sun rose the next day and he was confronted by the parents of her disappearance. With a heavy heart, the parents agreed to keep her banished from the lands, never to hear from her again.

Several years later: Age 12

Sava had trained for all those years to come when she would learn to eventually live in solidarity. Her mentor would stop in and check on the young female quite frequently, since he found her to be like his daughter instead of his student. He came to love the girl and he knew that deep down that she loved him back as a father figure. But, with the doctor frequently disappearing the Alpha decided that he had had enough. One day he followed the doctor back to where their camp was; a small abandoned cabin had been claimed by the two. After this discovery, the Alpha knew then what had happened that night with the child's disappearance.

Figuring the two would be asleep inside the cabin, he approached the grounds stealthily. What he wasn't suspecting was that Sava had been training down by the pond by herself. Ryu had been off gathering wood, so the perfect opportunity arose before him in this moment. Without a sound, he crept towards the waters below while the young teenager seemed to be meditating and snuck up from behind. He lifted her from the back of her neck and threw her head first into the closest tree, this in turn, caused her body to seize out. While the Alpha waited on any further movement besides twitching, he inspected his surroundings then picked the blonde up and carried her off further into the woods. He had decided to leave her stranded way out, that way there were slim chances of survival in her current condition. Once he dropped the body out far enough, he left without a word.

Once Ryu had came back from gathering wood and no sight of Sava, the male began to panic. After an hour's worth of searching, he found the young blonde breathing shallow but still very much alive. Ryu had transferred from Ireland to Romania as a medical student who had attended the college within the city limits, so he could easily recognize any condition. Summing up that Sava may have seizures for the rest of her life, he spent the next ten years training the girl to face any odd. This included the future training of his side business.

Age 18:

The blonde had completed her training under the man she called her mentor, now living comfortably in the City of Angels, Los Angeles. After a while, he had taught her of his side business dealing in Mafia affairs. He allowed her to make decisions on his behalf, needing an apprentice to take over for him after he travelled back to Romania for a short period. After making quite a few good decisions and changing his business for the better, he stepped down and made her the Don of Romanian Affairs. She ran the business successfully for the next ten years, but without her mentor by her side.

Age 28:

Today, she is known as a successful business partner and ally to the Dons around the world. With the extra money pull in, she uses it to bribe the public to be able to give the rest of it to charities in the surrounding areas. She can be found on the outskirts near the forest of Los Angeles in a mansion she and her mentor built themselves, if not there then she lurks on the streets searching high and low for the mate she longs for. For her, it was a lonely life but exciting enough and she wouldn't prefer it any other way.

OOC: Copyright belongs to Google and artists I use the images for.

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